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The Future of the Internet

Johna Till Johnson
President & Sr. Founding Partner
Nemertes Research

     Introductions
     A Short Personal History of the Internet
     The Internet: Current (High-Level) State
     Internet Challenges
     The Future
     Summary and Takeaways
     Q&A

2      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Introductions: About Nemertes
     Analyze business value of
      emerging technologies
     Benchmark reality
     Advise and assist enterprises,
      service providers on:
        Architectures, cost models, business &
         organizational strategies

     Core topics:
          UC, Collaboration, Social Computing
          WAN/LAN & Wireless
          Managed & Hosted Services
          Application Delivery Optimization
          Cloud, Virtualization, Data Center
          Security & Compliance

3          © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Introductions: About Me
     Engineer, physicist
     Former CTO
     Current president & CEO
     Serve as trusted advisor to
      Fortune 500 companies &
      others since 1995
     Failed science fiction writer
     Successful kayaker

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A Short (Personal) History of the Internet
     1986: DECnet for engineering projects
        Early chat session
     1987: ARPAnet for particle physics projects
        Data transfer between Fermilab and University of Rochester
     1988-1990: Working in industry (no Internet)
     1990-2000: Researching Internet,
        1992 award for next-generation Internet article
        Participating in/with IETF—IPv6, VPNs, MPLS
     2000-2002: Building Internet (sorta)
        MCI, Verizon, Gx backbones
     2002—present: Researching business use of Internet

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The Internet

                 Used with permission: Hebrew University

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The Internet Is A Stunning Success!

     Economy increasingly Internet-based
     300% increase in Internet users from 2000-2008
     By all metrics, traffic on the Internet continues to grow
        Andy Odlyzsko, MINTS: 50-60% year over year
        AT&T: 65% year over year
        Nemertes: 100% year over year
        Cisco: 200% year over year
     New applications emerge daily
        YouTube, Facebook,Twitter, etc etc etc
     Performance is generally pretty good

7      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Everything’s Great, Right?

    Not quite. The Internet is facing
       three distinct (though related)
    1. Exponential growth in
    2. Access bandwidth constraints
    3. Architectural weaknesses

8      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Everything’s Great, Right?

    Not quite. The Internet is facing
       three distinct (though related)
    1. Exponential growth in
    2. Access bandwidth constraints
    3. Architectural weaknesses

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Challenge 1: Demand Growth

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Challenge 1: Demand

      In 2007 and again in 2008, Nemertes modeled
       Internet capacity and demand
      We were the only organization to:
         Look at both demand and capacity independently
         Validate models against actual data (go figure!)
      Our findings? Demand will outstrip capacity in
       approximately 2011

11      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Internet Infrastructure Models 2007-2008

     Our goals:
      To arrive at a defensible estimate of current and
       projected Internet traffic:
         Independent estimation of supply and demand
         Model with adjustable knobs to support new data
      To compare with current and projected Internet
       infrastructure and investment.
      To achieve order of magnitude accuracy.
      To extrapolate capacity and demand numbers into
       investment numbers.

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The High-Level Results: What We Found

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What We Did NOT Find

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Unique Components of Our Model

      “Demand” is essentially “user appetite for bandwidth”,
       quantified as utilization of Internet-attached bandwidth
         Includes both “home” and “work” users (distinction is increasingly blurred)
      “Demand” is NOT:
         Measured traffic on the core (Odlyzko)
         Projected traffic generated by applications currently in use (Cisco)
      Why?
         Traffic that makes it to the core could have been gated at the edges
         Projecting traffic based on applications in use today ignores potential for
          rapid development of applications in future (eg YouTube)

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Demand Validation and Verification

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Why Is Demand Exponential?

     Multiple growth curves:
      More people (increasing population). Linear, steeper slope outside
      Greater percentage of all people are Internet-connected. Linear…
      Internet-connected people are increasingly connected by more
       than one device (see upcoming slides)…
      Bandwidth of Internet-connected devices increasing
      Measured usage of Internet-connected devices increases
     …(More internet-connected people) + (more Internet-connected
       devices per person) + (increased bandwidth of Internet-connected
       devices) + (increased utilization of bandwidth of Internet-
       connected devices) = exponential growth!

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Internet-Capable People and Devices

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The 2005 Inflection Point

     Year               2000               2005                2010          2012

     Device-to-         0.67               1.53                2.26          2.68
     user ratio

     A “device” includes:         Inversion occurs in approx 2005
      Home PC
      Work PC
      Smartphone/mobile device
      IPTV player
      Internet-attached gaming console

       © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Conclusions: Demand

      Our model predicts that demand will outstrip capacity,
       particularly access capacity, within the next 3-5 years.
      Our model agrees with the best available measured
       data to date.
      Our model does not rely on the development of any
       one particular application; rather, we assume that
       bandwidth-intensive applications will develop
       spontaneously and grow exponentially (e.g. YouTube).
      We are NOT predicting that the Internet will break in
       2011! We believe that users will find current access
       capability insufficient to run the current application
       portfolio (imagine running YouTube over dial-up).

20      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Challenge 2: Access Capacity Constraints

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Challenge 2: Capacity

      The key reason demand outstrips capacity is lack of
       access capacity
      This is due to the cost of investing in “last mile”
       technologies (including fiber, copper, and wireless)
      Recent regulatory actions will increase the cost and
       decrease the likelihood of investment (FCC claiming
       Title 2 regulatory powers)
      Capacity issues likely to get worse, not better!

22      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Challenge 3: Architectural Limitations

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Challenge 3: Architecture

      The basic architecture of the Internet has reached its limit.
       Scaling further (to accommodate even the most modest
       growth projections) will be:
          Technically difficult
          Increasingly expensive
          Ultimately futile
      Technically difficult: Increasing amounts of time and
       engineering cycles will be required simply to deliver the
       same services and applications available today
      Increasingly expensive: All that engineering takes money
       (with no corresponding revenue increase to justify the cost)
      Ultimately futile: Despite ever-increasing investments of
       time, money, and engineering horsepower, the Internet will
       stop working

24      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Why Does All This Happen?

 Two things are happening at the same time:
     1.  We’re running out of IP addresses. Because the current design more-or-less requires
        globally-unique addresses for every Internet connection, to handle ongoing growth
        more addresses are required
     2. Routing table size is increasing faster than routing capacity. The bigger the Net gets,
        the more routing computation is required to get packets where they’re going
 Solving one problem just exacerbates the other (push on one
  side of the balloon and it bulges on the other)
      Making the address space bigger pushes route-table growth past routing capacity
      Limiting routing-table growth means limiting the number of addressable connections
 There’s no way to get globally-unique addresses for every
  connection and reasonably bound route-table growth

25        © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
How the Net Breaks

      Fragmentation: You can’t get
       there from here
      Performance degredation:
       Voice, video across 3-second
       latency? Good luck with that!
      Functional incapacity:
       Multihoming? Sorry, you’re
      Security: Already gone. An
       unprotected host is now
       “owned” within 30 seconds.
       And considerably more
       money is pouring into
       organized attacks than the
       defense. The barbarians are
       overtaking the city
      Reliability: Roving brownouts.

26      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
But None of That Is Happening!

                                         It will.

27   © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Sez Who?

      Vince Fuller, Cisco
       Systems (2006): “Current
       trends in the growth of
       routing and addressing
       state in the global Internet
       may not be scalable in
       the long term.”
      John Day, Boston
       College (February 2009):
       “We are now confronting
       the most severe threat to
       the Internet to date.”

28      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
But IPv6 and Moore’s Law Will Save Us!

      IPv6: 128-bit address space (versus 32 for IPv4).
       Enough to address five million billion times the number
       of visible stars (why this is an important metric is
       beyond me, but okay). Purportedly allows the Internet
       to scale to far more endpoints than today.
      Moore’s Law: The more routes there are, the bigger
       routing tables have to be. But fortunately, no matter
       how fast routing tables increase, processing power and
       memory capacity of routers increases faster. Right?

29      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
IPv6 Fixes Everything! Doesn’t It?

      No.
      Not only is IPv6 not the solution, it’s part of the problem
      “The really scary thing is that the scaling problem won’t be
       obvious until (and if) IPv6 is deployed”—Vince Fuller, 2006
      “Routing and addressing with IPv6 doesn’t really differ from
       IPv4—it shares many of the same properties and scaling
      Key point: With all current attempts at remediation, routing
       complexity scales with the square of the size of the address space
       (Dave Meyer, 2009)…
      …Therefore making the address space bigger just makes the
       scaling problem worse.
      But that’s a sideshow issue. The real problem is that IP itself is
       fatally flawed. The issue isn’t the number after the “v”. It’s with the
       letters in front (see next section).

30       © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Moore’s Law Also Fails

      The contention: no matter how fast routing tables
       grow, Moore’s Law will ensure that the capability of
       routers grow faster (transistor density doubles every
       2 years)
      This has worked so far.
      So what’s the problem?
      In a nutshell:
         Routing capacity growing roughly at 1.3 X every 2 years
         Routing tables moving towards doubling every two years (2X versus 1.3X)
         Current proposed “solutions” for routing/addressing (including IPv6 and
          the loc/ID split) actually accelerate router table growth
         Ergo, Moore’s Law fails!

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The Problem: The Devilish Details

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      For various reasons, the philosophy driving the Internet’s early
       development tended to stress pragmatism over architectural
       correctness (“rough consensus and running code” was the motto
       of the Internet Engineering Task Force)
      The current addressing structure (including IP) was essentially an
       extension of the “quick and dirty” addressing structure of the early
       Arpanet (which was limited to 64 hosts and did not support
      Even though architecturally-sound approaches were known as
       early as 1982, Internet architects continued to expand the address
       size without attempting to address known architectural flaws
      Result: IPv4 (4.2 billion addresses and still no multihoming) and
       IPv6 (3.4 times 1038 addresses, and still no multihoming)
      Why did this occur? Mix of politics, religion, and expedience

33      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
The Devilish Details (Part 1)

      Saltzer showed in 1982 that for an addressing architecture to be
       complete, there are three things that need discrete addresses:
          The application
          The node
          The endpoint
      Moreover, there needs to be a defined mapping (directory)
       between each layer
      In this architecture, global uniqueness is neither necessary nor
       desirable. Each address needs merely to be unambiguous in the
       local context.
      That means a routing architecture designed to handle insane
       numbers of globally-unique addresses is entirely unnecessary.
       The route-scalability problem (which arises in no small part from
       the need to route to large numbers of globally-unique addresses)
       goes away.
      Oh yeah…And multihoming (and a whole slew of other nice
       features) comes for free.

34      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
The Devilish Details (Continued)

      IP names an interface, not a node (it’s the electrical socket, not
       the toaster)
      The interface isn’t actually a destination. Packets don’t need to go
       to an interface, they need to go to a destination.
      But what is a destination? Why, the node! (Actually, the ultimate
       destination is an application which is executing on a particular
       node at a particular point in time.)
      But in an IP environment, we have failed to define node
       addresses. So we talk about electrical sockets when we mean
       toasters. (And the statement “IPv6 allows us to address more
       devices than there are cells in the human body” is patently false—
       IPv6 doesn’t allow us to address the devices at all, just the
       interfaces to them.)
      And, oh by the way, we also use IP addresses when what we
       mean is application addresses—since we don’t have addresses
       for applications, either.

35      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
The Gap Between Theory And Practice
      Unfortunately, Saltzer’s architecture is not the one we have with IP.
      In an IP environment, more than half the addressing architecture is
       missing. There should be:
            Application addresses
            Node addresses
            Point-of-attachment addresses
            Directories that map between them
      There are:
          No application addresses
          No node addresses
          A point-of-attachment address (MAC address)
          A POA/node interface address (IP address) (See above point about uselessness of
           naming interfaces rather than destinations)
          No mappings (DNS maps machine-readable numbers to human-readable addresses. It
           doesn’t translate between layers).

36         © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
The Gap Between Theory And Practice
              IP Architecture                                              Correct Architecture

Application                                                                                 Name

 Socket (local)

                                                                                            Node Address

     IP Address
                                                                                          Point of Attachment
     MAC Address                                                                                Address

                      Source: John Day, Patterns in Network Architecture

37            © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
The Devilish Details (Conclusion)

      Q: Why does it matter whether an addressing scheme is
       “architecturally complete” if it’s been working pretty well for the past 30
      A: Because it won’t keep working for the next 30 years (or even the
       next 5)
      It’s mathematically provable that any architecture that relies on
       addressing interfaces instead of nodes will increase route complexity
       proportional to the square of the address space
      Therefore, increasing the address space hyper-accelerates the
       (already severe) strain on route-table size.
      Eventually routers start dropping routes, and you get:
            Fragmentation: “You can’t get there from here”
            Performance degredation (latency skyrockets)
            Plummeting reliability (roving brownouts)
            Oh, and you still can’t multihome.
      Sound familiar?

38           © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Conclusion: Architecture

      An addressing scheme that addresses interfaces
       rather than nodes means Internet route complexity will
       increase faster than router capability
      Engineering workarounds may keep the problem at
       bay for a while, but only by dramatically increasing
      Eventually, routers simply won’t be able to keep up
       with demand
      Badness ensues!

39      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
The Future

      Machine-to-machine networks
         AT&T now accounts for M2M traffic as a separate revenue category
      User “bandwidth bonding”
      Continued increase in demand
         HD video
         “Always-on” connection pattern
      Increased reliance on wireless
      Embedded intelligent networks…

      …all while facing fundamental technical and regulatory

40      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Summary and Takeaways

      The Internet as we know it faces three fundamental
      Exponential demand growth
      Access constraints
      Architectural limitations
      To keep it growing and thriving….
      …We’ve got work to do!

41      © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063
Thank You

           Robin Gareiss
           Executive Vice President & Sr. Founding Partner

42   © Nemertes Research 2010   1-888-241-2685 DN1063

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Sigfox whitepaper

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  • 1. The Future of the Internet Johna Till Johnson President & Sr. Founding Partner Nemertes Research
  • 2. Agenda  Introductions  A Short Personal History of the Internet  The Internet: Current (High-Level) State  Internet Challenges  The Future  Summary and Takeaways  Q&A 2 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 3. Introductions: About Nemertes  Analyze business value of emerging technologies  Benchmark reality  Advise and assist enterprises, service providers on:  Architectures, cost models, business & organizational strategies  Core topics:  UC, Collaboration, Social Computing  WAN/LAN & Wireless  Managed & Hosted Services  Application Delivery Optimization  Cloud, Virtualization, Data Center  Security & Compliance 3 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 4. Introductions: About Me  Engineer, physicist  Former CTO  Current president & CEO  Serve as trusted advisor to Fortune 500 companies & others since 1995  Failed science fiction writer  Successful kayaker 4 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 5. A Short (Personal) History of the Internet  1986: DECnet for engineering projects  Early chat session  1987: ARPAnet for particle physics projects  Data transfer between Fermilab and University of Rochester  1988-1990: Working in industry (no Internet)  1990-2000: Researching Internet,  1992 award for next-generation Internet article  Participating in/with IETF—IPv6, VPNs, MPLS  2000-2002: Building Internet (sorta)  MCI, Verizon, Gx backbones  2002—present: Researching business use of Internet 5 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 6. The Internet Used with permission: Hebrew University 6 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 7. The Internet Is A Stunning Success!  Economy increasingly Internet-based  300% increase in Internet users from 2000-2008  By all metrics, traffic on the Internet continues to grow dramatically  Andy Odlyzsko, MINTS: 50-60% year over year  AT&T: 65% year over year  Nemertes: 100% year over year  Cisco: 200% year over year  New applications emerge daily  YouTube, Facebook,Twitter, etc etc etc  Performance is generally pretty good 7 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 8. Everything’s Great, Right? Not quite. The Internet is facing three distinct (though related) challenges: 1. Exponential growth in demand 2. Access bandwidth constraints 3. Architectural weaknesses 8 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 9. Everything’s Great, Right? Not quite. The Internet is facing three distinct (though related) challenges: 1. Exponential growth in demand 2. Access bandwidth constraints 3. Architectural weaknesses 9 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 10. Challenge 1: Demand Growth 10 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 11. Challenge 1: Demand  In 2007 and again in 2008, Nemertes modeled Internet capacity and demand  We were the only organization to:  Look at both demand and capacity independently  Validate models against actual data (go figure!)  Our findings? Demand will outstrip capacity in approximately 2011 11 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 12. Internet Infrastructure Models 2007-2008 Our goals:  To arrive at a defensible estimate of current and projected Internet traffic:  Independent estimation of supply and demand  Model with adjustable knobs to support new data  To compare with current and projected Internet infrastructure and investment.  To achieve order of magnitude accuracy.  To extrapolate capacity and demand numbers into investment numbers. 12 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 13. The High-Level Results: What We Found 13 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 14. What We Did NOT Find 14 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 15. Unique Components of Our Model  “Demand” is essentially “user appetite for bandwidth”, quantified as utilization of Internet-attached bandwidth  Includes both “home” and “work” users (distinction is increasingly blurred)  “Demand” is NOT:  Measured traffic on the core (Odlyzko)  Projected traffic generated by applications currently in use (Cisco)  Why?  Traffic that makes it to the core could have been gated at the edges  Projecting traffic based on applications in use today ignores potential for rapid development of applications in future (eg YouTube) 15 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 16. Demand Validation and Verification 16 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 17. Why Is Demand Exponential? Multiple growth curves:  More people (increasing population). Linear, steeper slope outside US…  Greater percentage of all people are Internet-connected. Linear…  Internet-connected people are increasingly connected by more than one device (see upcoming slides)…  Bandwidth of Internet-connected devices increasing exponentially…  Measured usage of Internet-connected devices increases exponentially…. …(More internet-connected people) + (more Internet-connected devices per person) + (increased bandwidth of Internet-connected devices) + (increased utilization of bandwidth of Internet- connected devices) = exponential growth! 17 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 18. Internet-Capable People and Devices 18 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 19. The 2005 Inflection Point Year 2000 2005 2010 2012 Device-to- 0.67 1.53 2.26 2.68 user ratio A “device” includes: Inversion occurs in approx 2005  Home PC  Work PC  Smartphone/mobile device  IPTV player  Internet-attached gaming console © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063 19
  • 20. Conclusions: Demand  Our model predicts that demand will outstrip capacity, particularly access capacity, within the next 3-5 years.  Our model agrees with the best available measured data to date.  Our model does not rely on the development of any one particular application; rather, we assume that bandwidth-intensive applications will develop spontaneously and grow exponentially (e.g. YouTube).  We are NOT predicting that the Internet will break in 2011! We believe that users will find current access capability insufficient to run the current application portfolio (imagine running YouTube over dial-up). 20 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 21. Challenge 2: Access Capacity Constraints 21 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 22. Challenge 2: Capacity  The key reason demand outstrips capacity is lack of access capacity  This is due to the cost of investing in “last mile” technologies (including fiber, copper, and wireless)  Recent regulatory actions will increase the cost and decrease the likelihood of investment (FCC claiming Title 2 regulatory powers)  Capacity issues likely to get worse, not better! 22 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 23. Challenge 3: Architectural Limitations 23 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 24. Challenge 3: Architecture  The basic architecture of the Internet has reached its limit. Scaling further (to accommodate even the most modest growth projections) will be:  Technically difficult  Increasingly expensive  Ultimately futile  Technically difficult: Increasing amounts of time and engineering cycles will be required simply to deliver the same services and applications available today  Increasingly expensive: All that engineering takes money (with no corresponding revenue increase to justify the cost)  Ultimately futile: Despite ever-increasing investments of time, money, and engineering horsepower, the Internet will stop working 24 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 25. Why Does All This Happen?  Two things are happening at the same time: 1. We’re running out of IP addresses. Because the current design more-or-less requires globally-unique addresses for every Internet connection, to handle ongoing growth more addresses are required 2. Routing table size is increasing faster than routing capacity. The bigger the Net gets, the more routing computation is required to get packets where they’re going  Solving one problem just exacerbates the other (push on one side of the balloon and it bulges on the other)  Making the address space bigger pushes route-table growth past routing capacity  Limiting routing-table growth means limiting the number of addressable connections  There’s no way to get globally-unique addresses for every connection and reasonably bound route-table growth 25 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 26. How the Net Breaks  Fragmentation: You can’t get there from here  Performance degredation: Voice, video across 3-second latency? Good luck with that!  Functional incapacity: Multihoming? Sorry, you’re SOL.  Security: Already gone. An unprotected host is now “owned” within 30 seconds. And considerably more money is pouring into organized attacks than the defense. The barbarians are overtaking the city  Reliability: Roving brownouts. 26 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 27. But None of That Is Happening! It will. 27 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 28. Sez Who?  Vince Fuller, Cisco Systems (2006): “Current trends in the growth of routing and addressing state in the global Internet may not be scalable in the long term.”  John Day, Boston College (February 2009): “We are now confronting the most severe threat to the Internet to date.” 28 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 29. But IPv6 and Moore’s Law Will Save Us!  IPv6: 128-bit address space (versus 32 for IPv4). Enough to address five million billion times the number of visible stars (why this is an important metric is beyond me, but okay). Purportedly allows the Internet to scale to far more endpoints than today.  Moore’s Law: The more routes there are, the bigger routing tables have to be. But fortunately, no matter how fast routing tables increase, processing power and memory capacity of routers increases faster. Right? 29 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 30. IPv6 Fixes Everything! Doesn’t It?  No.  Not only is IPv6 not the solution, it’s part of the problem  “The really scary thing is that the scaling problem won’t be obvious until (and if) IPv6 is deployed”—Vince Fuller, 2006  “Routing and addressing with IPv6 doesn’t really differ from IPv4—it shares many of the same properties and scaling characteristics.”—ibid  Key point: With all current attempts at remediation, routing complexity scales with the square of the size of the address space (Dave Meyer, 2009)…  …Therefore making the address space bigger just makes the scaling problem worse.  But that’s a sideshow issue. The real problem is that IP itself is fatally flawed. The issue isn’t the number after the “v”. It’s with the letters in front (see next section). 30 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 31. Moore’s Law Also Fails  The contention: no matter how fast routing tables grow, Moore’s Law will ensure that the capability of routers grow faster (transistor density doubles every 2 years)  This has worked so far.  So what’s the problem?  In a nutshell:  Routing capacity growing roughly at 1.3 X every 2 years  Routing tables moving towards doubling every two years (2X versus 1.3X)  Current proposed “solutions” for routing/addressing (including IPv6 and the loc/ID split) actually accelerate router table growth  Ergo, Moore’s Law fails! 31 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 32. The Problem: The Devilish Details 32 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 33. History  For various reasons, the philosophy driving the Internet’s early development tended to stress pragmatism over architectural correctness (“rough consensus and running code” was the motto of the Internet Engineering Task Force)  The current addressing structure (including IP) was essentially an extension of the “quick and dirty” addressing structure of the early Arpanet (which was limited to 64 hosts and did not support multihoming)  Even though architecturally-sound approaches were known as early as 1982, Internet architects continued to expand the address size without attempting to address known architectural flaws  Result: IPv4 (4.2 billion addresses and still no multihoming) and IPv6 (3.4 times 1038 addresses, and still no multihoming)  Why did this occur? Mix of politics, religion, and expedience 33 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 34. The Devilish Details (Part 1)  Saltzer showed in 1982 that for an addressing architecture to be complete, there are three things that need discrete addresses:  The application  The node  The endpoint  Moreover, there needs to be a defined mapping (directory) between each layer  In this architecture, global uniqueness is neither necessary nor desirable. Each address needs merely to be unambiguous in the local context.  That means a routing architecture designed to handle insane numbers of globally-unique addresses is entirely unnecessary. The route-scalability problem (which arises in no small part from the need to route to large numbers of globally-unique addresses) goes away.  Oh yeah…And multihoming (and a whole slew of other nice features) comes for free. 34 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 35. The Devilish Details (Continued)  IP names an interface, not a node (it’s the electrical socket, not the toaster)  The interface isn’t actually a destination. Packets don’t need to go to an interface, they need to go to a destination.  But what is a destination? Why, the node! (Actually, the ultimate destination is an application which is executing on a particular node at a particular point in time.)  But in an IP environment, we have failed to define node addresses. So we talk about electrical sockets when we mean toasters. (And the statement “IPv6 allows us to address more devices than there are cells in the human body” is patently false— IPv6 doesn’t allow us to address the devices at all, just the interfaces to them.)  And, oh by the way, we also use IP addresses when what we mean is application addresses—since we don’t have addresses for applications, either. 35 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 36. The Gap Between Theory And Practice  Unfortunately, Saltzer’s architecture is not the one we have with IP.  In an IP environment, more than half the addressing architecture is missing. There should be:  Application addresses  Node addresses  Point-of-attachment addresses  Directories that map between them  There are:  No application addresses  No node addresses  A point-of-attachment address (MAC address)  A POA/node interface address (IP address) (See above point about uselessness of naming interfaces rather than destinations)  No mappings (DNS maps machine-readable numbers to human-readable addresses. It doesn’t translate between layers). 36 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 37. The Gap Between Theory And Practice IP Architecture Correct Architecture Application Application Name Socket (local) Node Address IP Address Point of Attachment MAC Address Address Source: John Day, Patterns in Network Architecture 37 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 38. The Devilish Details (Conclusion)  Q: Why does it matter whether an addressing scheme is “architecturally complete” if it’s been working pretty well for the past 30 years?  A: Because it won’t keep working for the next 30 years (or even the next 5)  It’s mathematically provable that any architecture that relies on addressing interfaces instead of nodes will increase route complexity proportional to the square of the address space  Therefore, increasing the address space hyper-accelerates the (already severe) strain on route-table size.  Eventually routers start dropping routes, and you get:  Fragmentation: “You can’t get there from here”  Performance degredation (latency skyrockets)  Plummeting reliability (roving brownouts)  Oh, and you still can’t multihome.  Sound familiar? 38 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 39. Conclusion: Architecture  An addressing scheme that addresses interfaces rather than nodes means Internet route complexity will increase faster than router capability  Engineering workarounds may keep the problem at bay for a while, but only by dramatically increasing costs  Eventually, routers simply won’t be able to keep up with demand  Badness ensues! 39 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 40. The Future  Machine-to-machine networks  AT&T now accounts for M2M traffic as a separate revenue category  User “bandwidth bonding”  Continued increase in demand  HD video  “Always-on” connection pattern  Increased reliance on wireless  Embedded intelligent networks…  …all while facing fundamental technical and regulatory challenges! 40 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 41. Summary and Takeaways  The Internet as we know it faces three fundamental challenges:  Exponential demand growth  Access constraints  Architectural limitations  To keep it growing and thriving….  …We’ve got work to do! 41 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063
  • 42. Thank You Questions? Robin Gareiss Executive Vice President & Sr. Founding Partner 42 © Nemertes Research 2010 1-888-241-2685 DN1063